I made quite a few posts about bullet journaling in the last few weeks and months but I rarely shared pictures of my own one.
Maybe it’s the perfectionists’ curse – I never seem to be satisfied with the artwork I create.
Well, I decided to jump over my own shadow and share my bullet journal setup for this month!
It’s the first time ever I tried a bullet journal theme and to be honest – I freakin’ love it!
Committing to a bullet journal theme has freed up my creativity.
I wrote in another blog post a while ago that I absolutely love to have a pretty bullet journal but I struggled with setting it up nicely every month.
I couldn’t come up with cute drawing ideas and I ended up getting frustrated with my bullet journal. This, in turn, led to me discarding my bullet journal for longer periods of time, even though I loved bullet journaling in itself.
Trying out a bullet journal theme has been a revelation – something about focusing on one specific theme and expanding my creativity within that bound territory changed something about my bullet journaling behavior.
If you haven’t tried a bullet journal theme yet, I highly encourage you to!
Choose a specific topic and just doodle away. Not having to think about every single page as a completely new canvas has helped me to enjoy my setup so much more.
It’s like mindfulness practice in itself.
But enough with the babbling.
Let’s get to the Plan With Me.
“Life is a circus. Enjoy the show!”
For September I decided to go with a circus theme.
I can’t tell you why I just thought it was a cute idea.
The first thing that came to my mind when I thought of a circus was the iconic tent, so that’s what I wanted to draw on my Monthly Bullet Journal Cover Page.
I filled the left page with a short quote, drawn in “circus-style” letters.
Monthly Log
Oh well, I really love how this spread turned out.
Especially the September lettering on top of the monthly calendar.
Mood Tracker
I’m a bit obsessed with unique mood trackers. I published two posts about mood trackers. (This one & this one.)
And until now I mostly used a simple “pixel” style mood tracker. You know, like the “Year in pixels” spread.
For this months’ mood tracker, I tried something a bit more bold and unique.
30 little circus tents. (Yes, they were quite a pain in the butt to draw. But it was worth it.)
(BTW, if you like this Mood Tracker – the digitalized version is available in my Secret Freebie Library!)
Habit Tracker
This months’ habit tracker is also a new spread for me.
I have almost always used a habit tracker in my bullet journal, but I didn’t use this individual calendar style but also a more simplistic “Year in pixels”-kinda look.
I saw quite a few people in the bullet journal community rave about this kind of habit tracker and thought I have to give it a try.
We’ll see how it will work out, it does look gorgeous though!
P.S.: I only realized afterward that I wrote Keratine instead of Kreatine! Oh well, mistakes happen right?
Brain Dump
This page speaks for itself.
A brain dump page is a must for me. I always have at least one or two pages dedicated to it each month.
I also went with a “circus-style” lettering and added a star border to spice things up and stay true to the theme.
Time Log
Time Log Bullet Journal Spread
I’m a tracker-kinda-gal. I love to track things. I love to analyze my own behavior and find patterns.
(I know, I’m a bit weird.)
I’ve tried quite a few trackers and almost always had separate a few separate trackers each month (sleep trackers, work trackers, social media trackers … the list goes on.)
I became bored of making so many separate trackers and decided to try a one-size-fits-all solution this month – a time log.
This way I can have one spread that shows me how much I’m sleeping and how much time I’m wasting on social media.
Let’s see if it works out but I love the idea.